
To foster connections between farmers and food retail in public organisations, to create a vibrant, nourishing and regenerative place-based food economy


The Farm to Organisation project is an innovative collaboration between farmers and public organisations including schools and sports and recreational facilities in Victoria, Australia.

The project is designed to bring fresh and nutritious food that is produced in the surrounding foodshed, into the places where people live, work, and play. Increasing the consumption of locally-produced foods can improve population health, build resilience in the foodshed economy, and support environmentally sensitive practices.

The Farm to Organisation project provides circular solutions to systemic problems through research, network building, and direct value chain coordination. Our vision is to create a more resilient, equitable, sustainable local and regional food economy that is healthy for Victorians and the natural systems on which we depend.

The Farm to Organisation project is supported by an Action Team and an Advisory Committee.

Action Team Members

Kristen Young – Peninsula Health
Lauren Clementson – Monash Health
Jeremy Addison – Planning Consultant
Sonia Nuttman – Deakin University
Michael Smith – Deakin University
Rebecca Lester – Deakin University
Adam Draper – Deakin University

Contact Action Team

Program 1:

Farm to School

The goal of our first program is to cultivate healthy food connections between farms, classrooms, canteens, and communities.

We are currently working on a feasibility assessment that includes online surveys and targeted interviews with schools and farmers across Victoria.

Find out more



n. A place for organising local and regional food economies. Like its analogue, watershed, a foodshed can be visualised as a network of flows, like rivers of food flowing towards a community.

We offer the term “foodshed” to encompass the physical, biological, social, and intellectual components of the multidimensional space in which we live and eat. We understand the foodshed as a framework for both thought and action.

Kloppenburg, Hendrickson, Stevenson

Coming into the Foodshed, 1996
