Past Events
Nourish Network Farewell
After nearly seven years of operation and with funding coming to an end, we have decided it’s time to wrap up Nourish Network. We have shared a fantastic journey with our members and there have been many fruitful collaborations formed.
Nourish Network Director, Deakin Distinguished Professor Anna Peeters, reflected on the growth of Nourish Network since its inception in 2017, the early vision and ideation that seeded the unique cross-sector collective. From the development of the mission and strategic objectives based around a collective impact model, to formation of the first Action Teams, the projects, events and collaborations that have led to impact.
We also heard from long-term contributors, Shirley Phan of Monash University and Dr Miranda Blake of Deakin University who shared their experiences with Nourish Network. We outlined the next steps and plans for each of our teams; the communities of practice, projects and interest groups. We also advised how to connect with researchers focused on healthy and sustainable food retail, and where to locate the resources developed by our members.
You can download slides from the webinar:

Healthy and Sustainable Tertiary Food Environments (HASTE) Community of Practice, 15th May 2024
Hear Dr Catherine Elliott and Sandra Murray explore University of Tasmania’s Sustainable and Equitable Food Strategic Plan 2023-2028.
Live-Streamed Panel: Research & Practice, 5th December 2023
Nourish Network and the Re-Fresh CRE hosted a panel discussion exploring how public health research has supported government and health and wellbeing agencies to deliver effective health promotion strategies. Led by Alfred Deakin Professor Anna Peeters, the panel featured Sherridan Cluff of Health and Wellbeing Queensland, Brigitte Annois of the Healthy Eating Advisory Service and Dr Tailane Scapin and Victoria Hobbs of Deakin University.
Webinar: Transforming University Food Environments, 21st November 2023
Lauch of the results of a benchmarking study that compared the healthiness, equity and environmental sustainability of food environments at nine Australian universities. Led by Professor Gary Sacks of Deakin University and featuring Sandy Murray and Dr Catherine Elliot of University of Tasmania, and Shirley Phan of Monash University.
Webinar: Healthy Supermarket Choices, 4th May 2023
Hear from visiting researcher Katrine Duus from the University of Southern Denmark, on supporting families to make healthier supermarket choices.
Webinar: Healthy Retail Toolkit Launch, 4th April 2023
Hear from those who developed and the retailers who informed the Nourish Network Healthy Retail Toolkit, and how it can support hospitality operators to offer healthier food in their venues.
Nourish Network End of Year Celebration, 17th Nov 2022
Keynote Speaker: Dr Sandro Demaio
Panel: Dr Tara Boelsen-Robinson, Dani Valent & Margaret Rozman
Our Keynote Speaker and panellists share their views on healthy and sustainable food retail in Australia, considering both present and future perspectives.
Exploring the value of working in partnership to drive meaningful change in healthy food retail, 18th Oct 2022
with Amy Brown, Dr. Megan Ferguson, Prof. Cliona Ni Mhurchu & Fiona Watson
Hosted by Alfred Deakin Professor Anna Peeters, panellists draw upon their diverse real-world experiences.
Hear from our panellists as they share their experiences and learnings on the value of working in partnership, plus tips on how to empower communities to enact impactful change in healthy food retail.
Supporting healthy eating behaviour change: drawing on marketing insights, 11th August 2022
with Associate Professor Joy Parkinson
Hear from Associate Professor Joy Parkinson who shares insights and findings on how we can support healthy eating behaviour change, drawing on marketing insights. Plus tips on tools that can be used to evaluate the implementation of behaviour change programs.
Values-based food procurement models: benefits & challenges, 3rd August 2022
with Leah Galvin & Alfred Deakin Professor Anna Peeters
Hear from Leah about her recent Churchill Fellowship trip, where she visited the USA, Canada, England, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. Leah explains the aims of the Churchill Foundation, and shares her learnings on models and approaches to increase values-based food procurement.
Levers for Change: Strategies to move to healthy food retail, 5th Oct 2021
with Leah Galvin, Miranda Blake, Amy Brown and Matthew Moylan
Hear from practitioners & researchers on the critical success factors involved in driving the transition to healthy and sustainable food retail environments in local government settings.
Nudging Sport and Recreation to Promote Water in Sport, 28th April 2021
with Miranda Blake, Devorah Riesenberg, Tara Heneghan, Kate Wilkinson and Eva Nikolitsis
Hear from the project partners how the VicHealth-led Water in Sport project (2018-2020) supported 8 Victorian local governments to make water the drink of choice in their sport and recreation centres.
Transforming the University Foodscape
for Health and Sustainability
with Sophie Lamond, Assoc. Prof. Gary Sacks, Chris Livaditis and Victoria Hobbs
Hear from colleagues working on research, policy and action to transform university food systems.
Tools for Implementing
Healthy Food Retail Practices
with Dr Tara Boelsen-Robinson
Hear Dr Boelsen-Robinson’s talk about her research investigating available resources to develop food retail policies, retailer and stakeholder engagement, implementation, and evaluation programs.